Uncle Sam's Birthday

by Dean Rippetoe on July 01, 2022

It was 246 years ago that 56 brave patriots signed a letter to the king of England stating that they wanted independence from the tyranny of England. On July 4th, America was born and we are the only country in existence that has a known birthday.  To attain that freedom, a 7-year war raged with England and 6,800 American lives were lost in battle.  Another 20,000 were taken prisoner of which 8 to 12 thousand died of starvation and disease.  A great price was paid for this proud land of the free and home of the brave. 

During the 246 years of existence, we have attained greatness in freedom, wealth, power, education, ingenuity, and technology. We became the most civilized and the most Christianized people on planted earth.  We have defended this nation over 100 times and lost millions of American lives to maintain the dreams of our forefathers.  We were a proud nation, thankful to God for this beautiful land full of minerals, resources, and good patriots who were privileged to say, “In God We Trust”.

As this country aged, our dependence and loyalty to our Creator have waned, and we have been infected with evil.  We have developed warts of violence, sores of hatred, wrinkles of worry, and age spots that were brought about by fear.  The internal organs of our country, called Congress, the Executive, and Judicial branches of our government have developed a virus of corruption, deception, dishonesty, and mistrust.  Uncle Sam is sick.

Our founding fathers never intended this to come about, but they recognized the possibility and addressed it in the Constitution.  The foundation of the Constitution was based on the principles of the Judeo- Christian faith and “In God We Trust” became our nation’s motto.  As citizens of the United States, we were expected to defend and uphold the Constitution and God intended for the citizens of America to worship the true and Living God and to seek out the lost and tell them of Jesus. 

 Our leaders have not only disregarded the “Ten Commandments” they have shredded the Constitution while a great number of us stood silently by and gave consent. This nation, once known as a Christian nation, has told God to leave and that our government would take care of us.  That is not working out very well.

God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.  We should not be content with what He has given us until we have lived up to His expectations. God has not failed us nor has America, but we have failed them.

 God, the Great physician gave us the prescription for healing in the seventh chapter of 2nd Cornicles when He said, humble yourselves and pray, seek my face, turn from your wicked ways and worship me.  That is the only way this broken land can be restored. That is our only hope to heal Uncle Sam. 

 John Greenleaf Whittier wrote a song long ago entitled “DEAR LORD AND FATHER OF MANKIND”.  As we wish America a happy birthday, this should be our daily prayer.    

Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our fev’ish ways!  Reclothe us in our rightful mind: In purer lives thy service find, in deeper reverence praise.

In simple trust like those who heard, beside the Syrian Sea, thy gracious calling of the Lord, let us, like them, without a word, rise up and follow thee.

Drop thy still dews of quietness till all our strivings cease.  Take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of thy peace.

Breathe thru the heats of our desire thy coolness and thy balm.  Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire: Speak thru the earthquake, wind, and fire, O still small voice of calm.

On this 246th birthday of America let us here re-dedicate our lives to serve and worship the true and living God and to defend the freedoms granted to us in our Constitution.  That would be the greatest birthday present we could ever give back to this great Country.


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