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How to Give

The Finance Office ensures the faithful accounting and handling of financial resources. FBC is audited annually by independent auditors. Our Church provides the opportunity for both members and guests to give and participate in the biblical discipline of stewardship.

laptop with screenshot of giving page


Clicking on this button below will take you directly to our PushPay giving platform.

Click Here to Give
person putting money in offering bucket

In Person

Drop your check in the offering plate during Worship or while attending your Sunday School Department. Giving envelopes for adults and children are available upon request.

3 red and blue envelopes

By Mail

Send to: Finance Office, First Baptist Church, 2104 W Louisiana, Midland, Texas 79701

person handing over house keys to another

Gifts of Property and Items

Contact either the Finance Office or the Ministry handling the property. We will acknowledge the gift with a letter of contribution without placing a monetary value on any item. This is commonly real estate, vehicles, furniture, equipment, etc.

laptop and paper with charts and graphs

Stock Gift

Stock gifts may be given by calling Peggy Bryant, Director of Business Management, at 432.683.0615 to receive the information about our broker. We sell all stock the day it is received. Stocks can be transferred by your broker to our broker. The tax benefit of giving stock instead of selling it first includes the elimination of capital gains tax from the sale of the stock.

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Retirement Account Distributions

Another tax advantage is giving of the required retirement distributions straight to the church. Please check with your accountant for more information.


Monies given to the church are administered based on a church adopted annual budget. Copies of the annual budget and monthly statements are available in the finance office. Ongoing financial activities of the church are made public to our membership upon request. Your contributions are kept confidential. We conduct an outside audit annually to ensure current and best accounting practices and accountability are maintained.

Contribution Statements

The Finance Office mails a statement to contributors in January summarizing any contributions given in the previous calendar year. You may also request a summary of your giving throughout the year at any time. Both First Baptist and the FBC Foundation are charitable organizations and contributions may be tax-deductible. Questions may be directed to the Finance office at 432.683.0615 or