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equip logo, discipleship studies

Equip is a framework for adult discipleship designed to equip people through 6 and 12-week courses held throughout the week. Equip allows for a Pathway of Discipleship that, when combined with involvement in Life Bible Study, provides the opportunity for spiritual growth.

Upcoming Classes

Adult Worship Choir

The Worship Choir is a community of worshippers who regularly lead our congregation. We minister and encourage each other weekly through rehearsal, connection, friendship, prayer, devotion, and much more.

Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM in the Choir Room
Leader: Jeff Wash


Authentic Manhood

A Man And His Traps

Join us in this six-session series, where we will unfold a biblical battle plan that helps men replace specific temptations and struggles with God’s better promises. We will go to war with the issues that all of us as men can relate to, like sexual lust, the need for control, unfounded fear, and the pursuit of significance.

Wednesdays at 6 PM
Room E 112
Cost: $10
Led by Nathan Wennerlind


Grace Marriage

Imagine a marriage built on the foundation of grace, where trust, connection, and enjoyment are a consistent reality.
When you intentionally invest time, energy, and creativity into your marriage, your relationship can move from average to life-giving.
When a husband and wife love each other like Jesus, marriage is the beautiful gift God intended – and a light to all who are watching. Build a marriage that reflects the Gospel.

Wednesdays beginning January 15 at 6 PM or Sundays, beginning January 19 at 5 PM
6 week course & childcare provided
Room D 101/103
For Couples of any age.
$25 per couple for 2 semesters
Leader(s) David and Eve Osterlund


Grief Share

Grief Share is a Christ-centered ministry that helps people apply biblical principles as they deal with the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved One.

Begins Sunday, January 12 at 2:00 PM
Room: E112
Cost: $10
Led by Mickey Trimble



Gun Lap: Staying the Race with Purpose

Offering practical advice and biblical truth, Gun Lap will appeal to older men who want to finish strong and younger and middle-aged men who want to run life’s race with intention.

Begins January 12 at 6:30AM
Room D101/103
Cost for the book is $15
Led By Berry Simpson


Missional Motherhood

There’s no such thing as “just” a mom. Despite the routine tasks and mundane to-do lists, motherhood is anything but insignificant. God has designed motherhood as part of his greater plan to draw people to himself―instilling all women, whether called to traditional mothering or not, with an eternal purpose in nurturing others.

In this six-session Bible study, we will look to Scripture for evidence of God’s mission for motherhood and His greater purpose for each and every woman.

6 Week Study
Begins Sunday, January 26 at 5PM or
January 29 at 6PM
Room D218
Cost: $10
Facilitated by Moms


Moms of Prodigals

Are you navigating the difficult journey of a prodigal child? Come join other moms as we learn practical ways to manage our mama emotions and entrust our prodigals to their Creator. Bring your Bible. All other materials will be provided. There is no cost! FOR WOMEN ONLY!

4 Week Study beginning January 15 at 6:30 PM
Room D100
Limit – 10 women
Led by Robbie Campbell


People of the Word

As Christians, we understand the importance of studying God’s Word. However, most of us pick up a Bible and don’t know where to start. We’ve never been trained or instructed how to handle it, so we feel intimidated and sadly, end up leaving our Bible on the shelf. In “People of the Word,” we learn a clear and concise plan to help you study God’s Word. Join us as we demystify studying Scripture and help you grow deeper in your walk with Jesus.

7 Week Study
Begins January 15 at 6:00 PM
Room E118 (Parlor)
Led by Jeff Suggs


Precept Bible Study

The Gospel of John

How well do you know the Son of God? Are you convinced that what He said about Himself is true? From beginning to end, John reveals Jesus as the Son of God.

13 Week Study
Begins Thursday, January 9 at 9 AM
Room E102
Cost $20
Led by Katy Little


Wednesday Night Bible Study (WEBS)

You are free to join in this weekly expositional study of God's Word.

September 4 at 6 PM
Room E114
Led by Pastor Darin Wood
No registration is required.

Women’s Bible Study

Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight
by Jennifer Rothschild

In this seven-session video-based study, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

7 Week Study
Open to all women
Begins Wednesdays, January 15, 6 PM or
Sunday Nights, January 19, 5 PM
Room E102
Cost: $10
Led by Trisha Upchurch
