Children Ministry
God chose you to be a parent!
Children’s Classes
God chose you to be a parent! Whew! That’s the best job in the world, but it can also be the most challenging job! Yet, through it all, God has promised to equip you and support you in that journey. First, he left his Word to encourage and teach us. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Clearly, God puts much importance on the role of a parent. He also created the church to partner with you on this journey and we are here to do just that. Every class and program offered through the Children’s Ministry was created to partner with you as you continue to disciple your children. Each awesome, dedicated volunteer is looking forward to teaching your child!!
The Children’s Ministry seeks to partner with parents in leading their children to a personal relationship with Christ and assist them in their Christian growth experience.
Sunday Morning Classes
Susan Upham, Cel Wiginton, Sheryl Purcell & Tonya Hoffman invite all kindergarteners to learn the awesome beautiful truths of the Bible. The Bible will come alive through interactive lessons, crafts, and activities. Emphasis is put on the importance of prayer and the awesome gift God has given us to talk to him. Friendships are nurtured by offering kids the opportunity to interact with one another through various activities. Will you join us?
1st GRADE – ROOM A206
Lauretta Glass, Roseanne & John Reese, & Bonolo Odirile invite all 1st graders to explore the Bible and relate it to their lives today. The class reinforces Bible lessons with handouts, games, visual aids, and crafts. Their goal is to see the class obtain a basic knowledge of the Bible to serve as a foundation to build upon in the future. We look forward to seeing you soon!
2nd GRADE A – ROOM A208
Teachers, Mike Reeves, Amber Hannifin, Hannah Xu, and Gage Bunch, believe Sunday School can be a fun and exciting “hands-on” experience. The students are taught to trust Jesus Christ and allow Him to guide them. Students will make wonderful friendships as they work together on class projects while learning to worship the Lord. Won’t you come join us?
3rd GRADE – ROOM A213
Yalina Heredia, Nancy Aguirre, and Zuleika Melendez provide a fast-paced, high-energy class where Scripture and how to use your Bible are taught through games and other interactive activities. The Bible lessons are taught with excellence and applied to everyday life. Kids are encouraged just to be themselves and grow in their spiritual walk. Come join us; you will have a blast!
4th GRADE – ROOM A216
Shana Vourazeris, Ralph Gassiott, Reece Roberts, Gerald Tolifson, and Gloria Chen are super excited to teach 4th graders each Sunday! They always begin their class with fun and fellowship and most of the time the fun involves eating donuts! In this class, 4th graders will learn about how God works in their lives and how they can have a personal relationship with Christ. The importance of navigating through the Bible is emphasized each week through actual Bible drill games and activities. Hope to see you soon!
5th GRADE – ROOM A215
Clifton Platte, Karla Roberts, and Hillary Lovell love teaching 5th graders because they are so cool! They invite you to look for God’s wisdom by diving into Scripture each week. This class was carefully designed to create community by encouraging conversation, having kids serve alongside and with one another, and experiencing an adventure together. 5th graders will grow in friendship with Jesus the same way they grow closer to one another. You have to come to check it out!!!
Spanish Sunday School Class – Room A209
We offer an awesome all Spanish class for combined grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Guillermo and Karla Ortiz, Lusvely Sulbaran, and Enrique Flores look forward each Sunday to teaching God’s truth to every child that walks through their classroom door.
Bible Drill leader, Shane Dockrey, invites you to join in on the fun by participating in Bible Drill this year! Bible Drill was created to help kids in grades 4th-6th to develop a love for the Bible and an understanding that its truth can guide their daily lives. It offers a fun, exciting way to motivate children to understand the all-important truths in God’s Word. This group participates in the Regional/State Tournaments, as well. Beginning in the Fall each year, we meet on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 PM.
Kidz Praise choir (Grades 1st-5th) meets every Wednesday evening during the school year from 6:00-7:00PM PM in the “D” hallway.

Meets each Wednesday evening throughout the school year from 7:00-8:00 PM on the “A” hallway, second floor.
Girls will learn how to demonstrate the mission’s concepts of praying, giving, and doing missions. As a GA, girls will be able to learn how to develop a lifestyle of missions. They will be able to learn about missionaries from all over the world and understand the work that they do in their country.

Children’s Mission Organizations
The purpose of Royal Ambassadors is to involve boys in 1st-6th grade in missions. Involvement in missions is living one’s faith daily: personal experience in witness and ministry and giving and praying to support persons involved in missions. The Royal Ambassador program helps boys to become aware of the needs of people around the world and to respond to those needs.

Seek First Midland equips children with Bible-based knowledge, wisdom, and passion for seeking Jesus first in all things through an after-school program. Our programs include fellowship, worship, teaching, and small group time. The program is completely volunteer-led, and it meets at FBC Midland on Tuesdays after school.