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Our Story

Get to Know Us

Our Journey of Faith

First Baptist Church has a long history rooted deep in the heart of Texas. The first church building was a small frame structure located at Marienfeld and Illinois, and it was shared with Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian congregations. In 1892, during the ministry of the second pastor, Rev. Leander Millican or"Brother Lallie", the building was moved to North Main and Illinois. FBC Building 1887Brother Lallie was one of the cowboy preachers of the day, living and working with ranchers and cowboys as part of his ministry. He preached without a salary and carried a Bible in one saddle bag and a six-shooter in the other. During his ministry, the church organized its first regular weekly Sunday School. The Paisano Baptist Encampment near Alpine also came into existence under his leadership.G. H. M. Wilson served the church as pastor from 1894-1895, and again from September 1896 to January 1900; in his second tenure, he became First Baptist's first full-time pastor. In the year 1901-1902, the church adopted a total budget of $1,650.00. The church building was expanded in 1914; the famous evangelist Mordecai Ham conducted a revival in the church a few years later in this building.

The first oil well to produce abundantly in West Texas, the Santa Rita Number 1, blew in on May 28, 1923. The town of Midland almost doubled in growth every decade after, so that there were 9,000 inhabitants in 1940; 21,000 in 1950; and 62,000 in 1960. The present population is over 99,000. In 1942, Vernon Yearby became pastor of First Baptist at 28 years of age. In 1945, Nellivee Clark came to our church as assistant church secretary; a short time later, she became church secretary. She served as pastor's secretary for 30 years and after serving a total of 45 years she retired in 1994. In 1954, the church moved to its present location, and later that year Dr. L. L. Morriss came as pastor.He preached his first sermon as pastor on the first Sunday of worship in the new building. In March of 1976, the church called Dr. Daniel Vestal to its pulpit. In July of 1989, Dr. James Denison became pastor until 1994. Dr. Gary Dyer followed in June of 1995 and served until April of 2010. Dr. Randel Everett served as our pastor from 2011 until 2014. In 2016, Dr. Darin Wood became our pastor.

black and white picture of church with several people standing around it

Our Mission

The Mission of First Baptist Church, Midland has remained the constant across more than a century:
The city and the world for Christ.