Parenting is difficult. If you are a perfect parent, you can stop reading. If you are as messy and inconsistent as we are, welcome to the struggle! Trying to find more hours in the day to be intentional, feeling inadequate or alone in this journey, and teaching kids to love God and love others are just a few of the things that we can walk through together. The teachers and volunteers in our Preschool Ministry want to partner with you to help you make disciples in your home. Join us as we learn and grow together!
Sunday Morning Classes
Rockers | from birth – strong crawlers
A112 Rockers
Classes during worship and Sunday School for babies from birth until they are strong crawlers. Teachers in these classes are some of the very first adults to help little ones begin to realize that church is a safe place where they are loved and cared for, setting the foundation for an understanding of how much Jesus loves them!
Crawlers | crawling – strong walkers
A110 Crawlers
Class during worship and Sunday School for babies who are crawling through those who are strong walkers. Crawlers live in a world where they are only beginning to understand the language and gain a little control over their body. They are quickly forming impressions about themselves and the world around them and are learning that God made them, and He loves them!
A120 One Year Olds
Class during worship and Sunday School for toddlers who are strong walkers/runners, typically just over a year old. Children stay in this class until promotion Sunday, so most children turn two years old while in this class! Life for a one-year-old is pretty tough. Everything they want to do requires a new skill – from taking a first step to pulling off their sock to drinking from a sippy cup. But they are discovering their potential and who God created them to be!
Two Year Old | two years old on or before September 1st
A122 Two Year Olds
Classes during worship and Sunday School for children who are two years old on or before September 1st. These little ones are learning how to be more independent, from getting dressed to using the potty. They are learning to share and what it means to be a good friend…and how Jesus wants to be their friend forever.
Three Year Old | three years old on or before September 1st
A117 Three Year Olds
A119 Three Year Olds
Class during worship and Sunday School for children who are three years old on or before September 1st. Life for a three-year-old can be confusing. It’s okay to throw a ball but not a rock. You can hug your friend but not squeeze his neck. Every day, preschoolers are learning new rules – usually after breaking them. Curiosity is at an all-time high, and kids in these classes are learning how they fit into this incredible world God made!
PreK | four years old on or before September 1st
B105 PreKindergarten
B106 PreKindergarten
Classes during worship and Sunday School for children who are four years old on or before September 1st. Learning how to follow rules is hard work. And every day, PreK kids are discovering not only new abilities, but also some of life’s basic social rules, like you can’t pick your nose and eat it…while people are watching. PreK children are learning how they are an important part of their family at home and their church family.
JAM Time | One Year Olds – PreKindergarten
JAM Time (Jesus And Me) is our preschool large group worship time which occurs during Sunday School time each week. Our Ones through PreKindergarten children and teachers gather in the JAM Room for 20 minutes of high-energy worship, Bible skills, prayer time, and our Bible story. This is always one of our favorite times of the morning when we get to praise God together and learn more about what His Word says to us!
Early Service Extended Session | Babies – PreK
Babies-PreK children are able to stay in some of our regular classrooms during the worship service with volunteers who are ready to love them and care for them while extending the Sunday School lesson through small group activities and centers.
Rockers and Crawlers are cared for in their regular classrooms during the late worship service but Walking Well through PreK children are moved to the JAM Room where volunteers teach an interactive Bible story and provide activities to extend their understanding, plus a snack, active playtime, and a video. Children are divided up into small groups within the JAM Room based on age to ensure appropriate lessons, activities, and safety.
Preschool Volunteers Needed
Would you like an opportunity to serve with an incredible team who loves Jesus and is excited to share His love with children and their families? It is such a joy when we can use our gifts, passions, and abilities to make a difference in the lives of others. We’d love for you to join us as we strive to reach Midland for Christ and impact generations of disciples!
Preschool Opportunities
We have several serving opportunities available throughout the month in all age classes. You have the ability to choose when you serve, during either of our worship times (8:30am & 11am) or during our Sunday School time (9:45am).
Subs ALWAYS needed for all hours on Sundays!
If you are interested in serving in the Preschool Ministry please contact Allison Ashmore, Preschool Minister, at
In order to serve, you must be a member of FBC (for a minimum of 6 months prior to serving) and pass a background check. Training on child safety, church beliefs, and procedures will be provided.
Please click the link and complete the form to let us know you are interested! Someone will be in contact with you soon!
Wednesday Night Music & Missions
Children’s Choir
Meets each Wednesday evening throughout the school year from 6:00-6:45 pm. Three year olds meet in Room A122. Pre-K and Kindergarten meet in the JAM Room.
Mission Friends
Meets each Wednesday evening from 6:45-7:30 throughout the school year. Three year olds meet in Room A122. Pre-K and Kindergarten meet in the JAM Room.
Mission Friends is a time for children to learn basic Christian concepts about God, Jesus, self, others, the church, the Bible, home, and the natural world. Each month children learn about a new Missionary-where they live, all about their family, and their mission work.
The Well of Midland at FBC
The Well is a place of gathering, where moms from every season of life come together to quench their spiritual thirst. Built on John 4:13-14, our mission is to provide a supportive and uplifting community where moms can find sustenance, encouragement, and renewal.
We are a community of women in all different walks of motherhood, connecting with like-minded women through bible study and relationship building. Our group is focused on spiritual growth and friendship, and built on grace and acceptance. At each meeting, we have brunch, coffee, Bible study, and either a local speaker or activity. We are divided into smaller tables in order to facilitate deeper conversations and vulnerability. We would love for you to join us in the journey of motherhood. Email us at for more info!
- 2nd and 4th Friday of each month (September – May)
- 9:30 – 11:30 AM in room D101
- Childcare available
- Coffee & brunch provided
- $35 Registration Fee (Fall & Spring)
Dues are based on the number of children
M.A.R.Y. Ministry
A group for all teen moms, M.A.R.Y. Ministries (Mothering As Responsible Youth), is a non-denominational group for ALL teen moms who have children ages birth through kindergarten. This group provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment where teen mothers, ages 13-19, can come together with others in similar life situations. Meetings are times for sharing, learning, and creative activities. Childcare is provided at no cost.
6:00 – 8:15 pm, First and Third Tuesday of each month.
For more information contact Jenny Leonard at 432-683-6072 or