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Worship Arts

The FBCM Worship Ministry exists to facilitate biblical and relevant worship experiences that engage the heart of every worshipper from every generation, encourage the body of Christ, and encounter the power and presence of God. We are blessed to serve through music each weekend in our 8:30 and 11:00 AM worship services.

Ways you can be involved include:

  • Adult Worship Choir - The Worship choir is a community of worshippers that regularly lead our congregation. We minister and encourage each other on a weekly basis through rehearsal, connection, friendship, prayer, devotion, and much more. Rehearsals are at 6:30PM on Wednesdays in the Choir Room. No audition needed.
  • Orchestra and Praise Band - This group of instrumentalists leads weekly in our 8:30 & 11:00AM worship services. Rehearsals are at 6:30PM on Wednesdays in the Worship Center. Previous instrumental experience needed.
  • Joyful Sound Choir (55 & Up Choir) - This group meets weekly on Thursdays at 10:30AM in Room D101
  • Vocal Ensembles - Call for information
  • 1st Kidz Praise (Children's Choir for 3yr to 5th Grade) - This is a fun and exciting ministry that provides opportunities for our children to use their gifts and talents to glorify our Father, lift up the mighty name of Jesus Christ, and hide biblical truths in their hearts. Meets weekly (during the school year) on Wednesdays at 6:00PM
  • Student Worship Arts Team (for 6th - 12th Grade) - This group develops the vocal and instrumental abilities of students. We foster a deep appreciation for church music through contemporary, traditional, and gospel choir music. Meets weekly on Sundays at 4:00PM in the Choir Room

We would be honored for you to join us in ministry. Please contact us for more information at 432-638-0600. Our desire is to offer our highest praise and deepest worship to an audience of One.

Media Ministry

The FBC Media Team is comprised of volunteers who serve one purpose—to transform the world through media and technology. The volunteers of the Media Ministry have a far-reaching impact across the entire campus of the church and beyond. Volunteers are trained and equipped with the appropriate technical experience, no matter their entry experience level. Call 432-683-0696 for more information.