What to Expect
Guest parking is located at 701 N. Garfield Ave., between Louisiana Ave. & Kansas ave. Directly East of parking lot is the building entrance into the Welcome Center.
Arrival Time
We have two Worship Services: 8:30 & 11 AM Our small group classes meet at 9:30 AM Coffee's available and children's check-in is open!
First Baptist Church:
Central Campus
2104 W. Louisiana Ave.
Midand, TX 79701
What to Wear
Wear what you would normally wear. You’ll find anything from jeans and t-shirts to business casual. We certainly care more about meeting you than about what you’ll wear.
Worship Style
We are blessed to offer different environments of worship where you’ll encounter God and be led to the throne of grace through uplifting praise and worship every Sunday morning.
Relevant, applicable teaching where our Pastor will challenge you to meet God right where you are with a practical word for your life.
More Questions?
We can help.
Call us at (432)683-0600
8AM - 5PM (M-Thr)
8AM - 1:30 PM Fri
or email receptionist@fbc-midland.org