How To Become a Member
Membership provides special opportunities such as: personal growth, leadership opportunities, avenues for service, and participation in the decisions concerning the future of our church.
We welcome people into membership in the following ways:
Profession of Faith by praying to receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior and committing to being baptized.
Transfer of Letter by the promise of a membership letter from another Baptist church transferring your membership to our church.
Statement by individuals who:
- Have prayed to receive Christ as their personal Savior and were baptized in a Baptist church but have since belonged to a church of a different tradition.
- Were a member of a Baptist church that has disbanded or lost their records.
- Were baptized in a church whose beliefs are identical to ours about: salvation, baptism, and security of the believer.
There is an opportunity at the close of each service to come forward and become a member. Contact the church office if you have any questions.