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Generations (55+) Class Descriptions

Bar-Simon Class

Adults 55+ | Room D101 | A group in intergenerational adults who love Jesus, each other and desire to share that love with others. We have two awesome Bible teachers, who study many hours to convey God’s truth of scripture, and we welcome class interaction during the teaching session. Our ladies meet once a month for lunch and we offer times of group fellowship for everyone in the homes of our members.  

Gabriel Class

Adults 55+ | Room D205 | Seasoned prayer warriors, young at heart who know how to Laugh, Love, and Pray together. Come Up!  Join us! 

Rachel Class

Ladies of All Ages | Room D217 | Our department is one class filled with Ladies only – Single, Divorced, Widowed, Married Ones that come to church without a spouse, or who may just want to be with a group of prayer warrior women.  We have a variety of ages from 30’s to 80’s plus! We try to have a group dinner once a quarter to allow us more time to visit and enjoy one another’s company. 

International Class

Adults of All Ages | Room D100 | If you were not born in the U.S. and want to study God's Word with other Internationals, with English as a second language, no matter how proficient you are in English, the International Bible Class is for you. It is for individuals, couples, or families.  Children of all ages are welcome as they come and learn God's Word with their parents. We have class members from China, Peru, Ecuador, and Togo Africa.  If your country is listed, come and fellowship with these; if your country is not listed, welcome!   

Thomas Class

Adults 55+ | Room D100 | Our group is made up of people who are at different stages of life, some are working/others retired, some have married for many years and some who are single.  No matter how we are “identified” individually, we share common threads – we love Jesus and honor the power of the Holy Spirit, we serve our church and others, and we love one another.  We are blessed to have five experienced teachers, who have their own unique teaching styles. We have great discussion and class participation.   

Peter Class

Adults 55+ | Room B205 | Most, but not all, of our members are in the 55+ age group and are from all walks and seasons of life.  The Peter department welcomes everyone who wants to study scripture and fellowship with other believers, no matter who they are or where they are in their spiritual journey.  We work hard to make sure that you feel welcome. 

Stephen Class

Adults 55+ | Parlor | Taking inspiration from Stephen in Acts 6-7, The Stephen Department desires to both know and boldly proclaim the truth of scripture. After a time of pre-class informal fellowship, class typically opens with the singing of a song, followed by prayer requests and prayer, followed by in-depth Bible study. The class invites all who would like to visit where they can feel loved and accepted. 

David Class

Adults 55+ | E111 | We are a compassionate, praying group of women with caring hearts.  We study the Word of God together each Sunday and have a close fellowship.  We meet once a week for lunch.   

Barnabas Class

Adults 55+ | C204 | A bible study for single adults (55+) who enjoy learning the Word of God together. 

Grace Class

Adults 55+ | D219 | Our group is comprised mostly of empty nesters who have aging parents and at the same time we are becoming  grandparents - which is wonderful and exciting. We enjoy going deeper in our Bible study discussions, and we are supportive of one another in our struggles and griefs and we celebrate our joys and victories together!  

Joseph Class

Adults 55+ | E102 | We are much like Joseph's coat.  We are a varied group of individuals who gather together weekly to study God's word under the teaching of one of the most knowledgeable teachers in our Church.  We gather for individual learning but also to support each other as we each walk our God ordained paths.   

Ezekiel Class

Adults 55+ | E102 | We are a large class of adults of all ages focused on in-depth Bible teaching. We make time regularly to fellowship together. 

Have questions or want more information about Generations? Contact us!

Katy Little, Associate Senior Adult and Women’s Minister
Office phone : 432-683-0610