Passage: Revelation 22:6-21
Submit Your Prayer Need Here: Or text “JESUS” to 432-315-0092 Subscribe to our You Tube Channel Follow us on Facebook - Instagram - @fbcmidland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author - Dr. Darin Wood Message - Jesus is COMING! Eleven Final messages from Revelation Scripture - Revelation 22:6-21 Series - Revelation: Unveiled Date - 2023-02-05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Mission: Led by the Holy Spirit, the mission of First Baptist Church is to follow the example of Jesus Christ. To leave a legacy of faith, we will worship, disciple and fellowship where we are, in order that we may evangelize and serve where God leads. Service Times: Sunday - 8:30 a.m. - Worship Center 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Center (Traditional IN Chapel) FBC en Español - 11:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall Have Questions? Connect Below... Phone - (432) 683-0600 Connect With FBC -